Bristol to Paris Charity Cycle Challenge

Ultimate Floor Sanding Supports Bristol to Paris Charity Cycle Challenge

A Grueling Journey for a Great Cause

In May, Adrian Cunnington from Floor Blimey! teamed up with eight friends to undertake an ambitious cycle from Bristol to Paris. Their goal was not only to challenge themselves but also to raise funds for two commendable causes: the British Heart Foundation and Off The Record, a Bristol-based mental health charity for youth.

Setting Off From Bristol

The adventure began in Downend, Bristol, during the hottest week of the year. Although not a seasoned cyclist, Adrian embraced the challenge head-on. The initial plan to stick to road riding took an unexpected turn due to navigational glitches, leading them across grassy paths and beside scenic canals, making their first 80-mile leg as tough as it was picturesque.

Navigating Through England

The second day contrasted sharply with the first, routing them around the outskirts of London and along the M25 for a grueling 90 miles. Despite the physical demands, the team’s spirits remained high, bolstered by the support and motivation to aid their chosen charities.

Crossing Into France

Day three brought them to Dover, where they caught a ferry to France, only to be greeted by sweltering 37-degree heat upon arrival. Adrian described it as “riding through an oven,” a testament to the day’s intense challenge. The oppressive heat forced a mental detachment, turning each cyclist into nothing less than a relentless machine.

The French Countryside and the Approach to Paris

Thankfully, day four offered some respite with cooler temperatures and flatter terrain, allowing the team to enjoy the beauty of the French countryside. Their spirits lifted as they pedaled closer to their final destination.

The Grand Arrival in Paris

The final day’s 60-mile ride to Paris was daunting yet exhilarating. The complexity of navigating Paris traffic hadn’t been fully anticipated, but the determination and camaraderie led them safely to the Eiffel Tower. The arrival was triumphant; the team, albeit reduced to seven, was elated and proud, having conquered the monumental challenge together.

Celebration and Future Challenges

The journey concluded with celebrations, social media accolades, and a heartfelt appreciation for the support that made their endeavor possible, including significant contributions from The Ultimate Floor Sanding Company. Energized by their success and the nearly £4000 raised for charity, the team is already setting their sights on their next challenge: Mount Kilimanjaro.

Join the Cause

The British Heart Foundation and Off The Record continue to seek enthusiastic fundraisers. To get involved and support these vital causes, follow the links provideD

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